I can’t wait for my hiking boots to finally come out of hibernation! This year, it’s dragged on particularly long due to the rainy weather. I’ve upgraded my outdoor gear: with sustainable clothing from the Swiss start-up This is Sheep. One thing is clear: With a nice outfit, exploring Switzerland is twice as much fun!
Two friends and I choose a hike to «Chrüzegg» mountain inn to test it out. We are spoilt for choice: Twenty different tours take you up the mountain. Our starting point is Libingen. You can easily reach this pretty hamlet in around an hour by public transport from Rapperswil-Jona, where the modern youth hostel of the same name is located by the lake.
There’s only one way to get there…
As we begin the hike we are a little puzzled. Rather than uphill, it starts by going downhill. The extra metres in altitude as a result are definitely worth it: We pass beautiful waterfalls and cross a small wooden bridge. After that, there’s only one way to go: Up, on a steep path… our mood is gradually changing…
If the route hadn’t been so varied with pasture trails, woods, hobbit landscapes and flowering meadows with magnificent views, we probably wouldn’t have been able to get through it. This makes us all the more relieved when we reach our destination, Gasthaus Chrüzegg, after a lot of sweat and managing around 600 metres in altitude. We enjoy the view of Obersee Lake and the surrounding hills.
Never again without my merino outfit
I’m super warm when I reach the top. But the amazing thing is that my This is Sheep clothing doesn’t feel wet at all. My two friends are almost a little jealous. I decide to never climb any more mountains without my Levi trousers, my Frida shirt, my cool Toni socks and my soft Fritzy headband.
I can wear these clothes with a clear conscience. The two clothing designers and textile school graduates Alexandra and Sandra founded the brand in 2020 when they were forced to nix their travel plans. Their goal: revolutionising the textile industry here Switzerland! The creative minds not only rely on extremely easy-care, durable and microplastic-free merino wool, but also on small, local producers – in keeping with the motto «support your local business.» For instance, the sock knitting shop is located in the neighbourhood. 😊
The two only source the special, certified wool for the comfortable pieces from New Zealand. There is a simple reason for this: Merino sheep need a lot of space, a different climate and a special diet that they cannot find in Switzerland. I’m thrilled by the great business idea, which is also becoming increasingly popular in Switzerland.
Hiking fever has hit
Because the first hiking weekend in 2023 was so much fun, our next stroll is already planned for next weekend – of course I’ll be wearing my cosy hiking clothes again. This time, we’re going exploring in Appenzell-Innerroden. The beautiful hiking canton offers almost unlimited hiking opportunities, most of which can be easily reached by public transport from St. Gallen Youth Hostel.
After an entertaining train ride to «Weissbad» we board the PubliCar (be sure to reserve it in advance via the app or by telephone) taking us to Gasthaus Lehmen. This is where our actual adventure begins: the Potersalp circular trail, which we follow, but in the opposite direction. My friend’s parents look after the cows at Alp Gross Berndli throughout the summer, so we’re meeting them to barbecue.
Flowers and mountain peaks
The first highlight of the tour is Leuenfall. There, the thundering Berndlibach plunges into the depths in free fall. After marvelling briefly, we continue our upwards journey on the wide gravel path through the woods. Time and again, we catch a glimpse of the treetops and see numerous tandem pilots in the sky. As we reach the edge of the forest after a moderate uphill trek just over an hour, the colourful flower meadows and the imposing rock faces shine like no other.
Once we reach Potersalp, we follow the signs towards Schwizerälpli. Finally a bit of action on narrow trails, over cow pastures, hill and dale with a magnificent view of the Säntis range. Once again, I consider myself fortunate to live in such a diverse and beautiful country.
After about 40 minutes, we finally reach Alp Gross Berndli. It begins to rain hard for a bit. Luckily, we can retreat to the cosy chalet with my friend’s parents. Even the fire at the barbecue withstands the rain, so we can fill up before we head back down the valley, a walk of about 35 minutes on an easy gravel path. Once again, the sustainable clothing withstood the many stresses and strains and showed me why it is part of my hiking inventory!
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